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Piano Concert by Brian Silas & Mind Storm

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Date: 21st February 2003, By: Pradip Rao :-

Brian Silas – Born to play the piano, it was a burning desire, an insatiable passion to master the instrument. Brian’s early years wee spent in Kanpur, in a family steeped in music and tradition. He plays fron sheer instinct.

Although the piano has been widely used in picturising the romance in our indian cinema, it is ironic that the main melody (song) was seldom composed with the piano in mind. It therefore become even more amazing how Brian has achieved in bringing out every nuance and detail of the lyrics and music, becoming a one man orchestra on this Grand Instrument.

As Brian grew up, the world of music, became the Goddess that he must relentlessly pursue. His genius has arrested the attention of the connoisseur as well as the uninitiated. Brian has pioneered this technique to adopt the Piano, a distinctively western instrument to the music of his own country. Using his innovative style, Brian has been widely acclaimed as the new star of Piano.

Brian is a much sought after musician, filling his audience with the charm of his special music. To date Brian has released 14 albums. Brian’s fervour and reverence for the piano is deeply religious – when he plays he is one with his maker. And yet-the piano is also the instrument that he strokes with the passion of a lover, slowly building the music to a crescendo, moving his listeners to untold heights of emotion and ecstasy —- If music be the food of love – O Living Legend —— Play on —-

“MYND STORM” – The Psychic Mind Show by Pradip Rao

Sit back and relax, while your host Pradip Rao takes you to an intensely convincing world of ‘altered reality’, with compelling interactive demonstrations of Extra Sensory Perception: mind reading, thought transference, prophesy.

Combining the skills of the motivational speaker, the master psychologist and the artful showman, Pradip Rao cleverly tinges mind boggling mystery with subtle humor to create a virtual mind storm: a show where fact and fantasy skillfully blend… to blow your mind and make you think again.

“…for there are far more things in this universe… than man can fathom, or science explain…”

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